First, let’s step into the Arabic culture by this photo.
“Ok, smile, who’s not smiling? Errr, never mind.”
Eh…stop laughing. EverDream Studio has done a lot of efforts when they are entering the Arabic Market with the game – Dragon’s Call, like revamping many female characters’ clothes, designing original concept arts with full Arabic-style dresses, changing some NPCs’ “non-Muslim exciting” talks, and so on. Compared with Chinese official’s interference, the resistance of the Arabic market is more like coming from the society. Don’t believe me? The following is a player comment from one of EverDream’s Arabic partner sites (Translated by Google) -
“Quote Comment Matrix:
After the meeting of the Shura Council of the electronic jihad,
it was agreed that this is the last warning to the owner of the website in order Basalt.
Remove all non-Muslim exciting and ridiculous content, such as images.
This is not a prank but the fact you Ayasahb site three days before the implementation of the Breach of the site.
For your knowledge, our team has 7 of the most experienced hackers.
This is God knows.
Note: Matm will not keep an archive or file once penetrating the site”
If you are still brave enough to keep laughing and do not afraid of the Online Holy War burn your ass off, post up the comments. Or you may just shut and learn from Everdream via the following concept arts. Amen! (Do they say Amen?)